Subject: Clay Camp, Ash Meadows, Nye County, Nevada, 1940 or 1941. The Clay Camp was located northeast of Death Valley Junction, on the
Nevada side of the state line. Jess Toles, grandfather of Joan Toles Turner, is on the left. K. K. Miller is on the right.
Subject: - Death Valley Junction with a mushroom cloud resulting from open air atomic testing at the nearby Nevada Test Site rising in
the background. Probably 1951. The railroad station in the background was moved to Lathrop Wells, where it was used as a brothel.
Prior to being moved, the station served as a schoolhouse.
Subject: - Front entrance to the Furnace Creek Ranch, Death Valley, California, about 1938 or 1939.
Subject: - Joan Toles Turner playing on the boardwalk beside the home of her grandparents, Jess and Myrtle Toles at Clay Camp, Ash Meadows, Nye County, Nevada, 1939.
Subject: Ore cars and engine used at the clay pits, Ash Meadows, Nye County, Nevada, about 1940.
Subject: Clay Camp, Ash Meadows, Nye County, Nevada, about 1940. The house in the background is constructed of railroad ties. At left
are Myrtle and Jess Toles with granddaughter, Joan Toles Turner. Bedie Miller is at the far right.
Subject: Death Valley Junction about 1939 or 1940. Tonopah and Tidewater car and station are in the background.
Subject: Joan Toles Turner, Death Valley Junction, California, 1949. When this photo was taken the lodge was a dinner house with a
number of rooms in which guests could stay; Ash Meadows Lodge did not become a brothel until a number of years later.
Subject: Clay Camp, Ash Meadows, Nye County, Nevada, about 1940. From left are Myrtle Toles, grandmother of Joan Toles Turner; Dwayne
Baker, a self-employed truck driver and friend of the Toles's; Mrs. Baker; and Jess Toles.
Subject: From left are Jess and Myrtle Toles, grandparents of Joan Toles Turner; Jean Toles, Joan Toles Turner's mother; and father
Jess Toles, about 1940. Joan Toles Turner is standing in front of her mother, and sister Jean is being held by her grandmother.
Subject: A ramp from which cars of the Tonopah and Tidewater Railroad dumped their ore for
processing, Death Valley Junction, California, 1939
Subject: Herb Toles and family, in the clay camp in Ash Meadows, Nevada, ca. 1941