Subject: The Revert Brothers' 76 Station, located on Main Street, Beatty, Nevada, 1957. Leaning on the hood of the car is Bob Revert.
Leaning against the building is Norman Revert. Dolf Goole is in the foreground in the white shirt and next to him, with his back to the
camera is Red O'Leary. Art Revert is visible in the background, second from the right.
Subject: Art Revert filling a bulk truck at the Revert Brothers' Union Oil Bulk Plant, Beatty, Nevada, about 1956.
Subject: - Interior of the Exchange Club, Beatty, Nevada, 1950. Murphy Breedlove is behind the bar talking to Robert Revert, Nye County
Deputy Sheriff responsible for southern Nye County. At the end of the bar is Red O'Leary. Norman Revert is watching his brother, Art
Revert, play the slot machines.
Subject: Interior of the railroad depot at Rhyolite, Nevada, early 1950s. Mr. Heisler, who with his wife, ran the depot for many years, is near the window; Art Revert is leaning on the back of the chair at far right.
Subject: Albert Revert, patriarch of the Beatty Reverts, ca. 1930, when Revert was in his 60s. This photo was taken at the south end of town..
Subject: In May 1956 Minute Man Magazine, a publication of the Union Oil Company, ran an illustrated article on the Revert Brothers'
Union Oil Station and Bulk Plant located in Beatty, Nevada. This picture appeared on the cover of that issue. It features Robert Revert
in the background and his two children, Mark Revert and Elaine Revert. Mark Revert died tragically at the age of 5, and Elaine Revert
now lives in Las Vegas and is married to Brad Richardson. The photograph was taken on the old Beatty Ranch, then owned by the Reverts.
Subject: The Revert brothers, Norman, Robert, and Art, on Main Street, Beatty, Nevada, 1956. Photograph appeared in an article on the Revert brothers in minute Man Magazine, May 1956.
Subject: The Revert brothers. Photograph appeared in an article on the Revert brothers in Minute Man Magazine, May 1956.
Subject: Service station at Lathrop Wells, Nevada, leased by the Reverts from Bob Wheelock. Photograph appeared in an article on the Revert brothers
in the May 1956 issue of Minute Man Magazine.
Subject: Death Valley Scotty's Castle, located 60 miles from Beatty, Nevada. Art Revert looks at the Castle. Photograph appeared in the May 1956 issue
of the Minute Man Magazine in conjunction with an article on the Revert brothers.
Subject: Robert Revert is pictured with a new Ford automobile in Beatty, Nevada. photograph appeared in conjunction with an article on the
Revert brothers in minute man Magazine, May 1956.
Subject: Mining operation in the vicinity of Beatty, Nevada. Photograph appeared in conjunction with an article on the Revert brothers in Minute Man Magazine, May 1956.
Subject: Beatty residents gather to view a new Mercury automobile. The Revert brothers were Ford-Mercury dealers in Beatty. photograph
appeared in conjunction with an article on the Revert brothers in Minute Man Magazine, May 1956.
Subject: Part of the Beatty, Nevada, water system during the 1950s. The system was owned by the Revert brothers. Photograph
appeared in conjunction with an article on the Revert brothers in Minute Man Magazine, May 1956.
Subject: Art and Norman Revert examine ore specimens at the Boyd-Endseley Mining Company Mill. Photograph appeared in
conjunction with an article on the Revert brothers in Minute Man Magazine, May 1956.
Subject: Stagecoach and horses, probably southern Nye County, Nevada, before 1910.
Subject: Early shot of Tonopah, Nevada. the woman is unidentified.
Subject: Famous picture of a lightning strike in Tonopah, Nevada. Photograph taken by Senator Key Pittman, copyrighted 1904.