Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Young shorthorn bull used as sire in
Harvey Titus herd. - January 23, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Young shorthorn bull as sire in Harvey Titus herd. - January 23, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Purebred shorthorn bull, from Lois Kellogg strain, just off of the range
and up for feeding; used as sire of calves on Locke's & Titus Ranch. Fine calves will result from this type of sire.-
January 23, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Bull-fight, purebred shorthorn bulls of Lois Kellogg breeding, just off of range having a
little difference of opinion. Harvey Titus secured these bulls three years ago for better herd sires. -
January 23, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Mallard ducks which become almost tame on the Titus Ranch. Cinnamon
Teal is the background. These ducks come into ponds 100 yards from the house, from the Railroad Valley Wildlife Refuge. -
April 8, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Mallard ducks which become almost tame on the Titus Ranch. Cinnamon
Teal is the background. These ducks come into ponds 100 yards from the house, from the Railroad Valley Wildlife Refuge. -
April 8, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Part of a large band of sheep on winter range near Harvey
Titus & Locke Ranch. Operator from Salt Lake buys sheep from Nevada ranchers and winters them on this permitted cattle
range of Titus & Locke's after which time he sells the bands. - March 18, 1945 - C.E. Byrd
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Purebred shorthorn bull, from Lois Kellog strain, just off
the range and up for feeding; used as sire of calves on Locke & Titus Ranch. fine calves will result from this type of
sire. - January 23, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Purebred shorthorn bull, from Lois Kellog strain, just off
the range and up for feeding; used as sire of calves on Locke & Titus Ranch. fine calves will result from this type of
sire. - January 23, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Indian writings in the canyon below the Moore's Station
Ranch in the Hot Creek Range. These writings could not be identified nor read by "Ivor Jack" whose father and grandfather
saw them but could not read them. That would make them over 150 to 175 years old. - May 13, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Indian writings in the canyon below the Moore's Station
Ranch in the Hot Creek Range. These writings could not be identified nor read by "Ivor Jack" whose father and grandfather
saw them but could not read them. That would make them over 150 to 175 years old. - May 13, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Indian writings in the canyon below the Moore's Station
Ranch in the Hot Creek Range. These writings could not be identified nor read by "Ivor Jack" whose father and grandfather
saw them but could not read them. That would make them over 150 to 175 years old. - May 13, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Indian writings in the canyon below the Moore's Station
Ranch in the Hot Creek Range. These writings could not be identified nor read by "Ivor Jack" whose father and grandfather
saw them but could not read them. That would make them over 150 to 175 years old. - May 13, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Indian writings in the canyon below the Moore's Station
Ranch in the Hot Creek Range. These writings could not be identified nor read by "Ivor Jack" whose father and grandfather
saw them but could not read them. That would make them over 150 to 175 years old. - May 13, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Indian writings in the canyon below the Moore's Station
Ranch in the Hot Creek Range. These writings could not be identified nor read by "Ivor Jack" whose father and grandfather
saw them but could not read them. That would make them over 150 to 175 years old. - May 13, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Indian writings in the canyon below the Moore's Station
Ranch in the Hot Creek Range. These writings could not be identified nor read by "Ivor Jack" whose father and grandfather
saw them but could not read them. That would make them over 150 to 175 years old. - May 13, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Indian writings in the canyon below the Moore's Station
Ranch in the Hot Creek Range. These writings could not be identified nor read by "Ivor Jack" whose father and grandfather
saw them but could not read them. That would make them over 150 to 175 years old. - May 13, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Indian writings in the canyon below the Moore's Station
Ranch in the Hot Creek Range. These writings could not be identified nor read by "Ivor Jack" whose father and grandfather
saw them but could not read them. That would make them over 150 to 175 years old. - May 13, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Indian writings in the canyon below the Moore's Station
Ranch in the Hot Creek Range. These writings could not be identified nor read by "Ivor Jack" whose father and grandfather
saw them but could not read them. That would make them over 150 to 175 years old. - May 13, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Large stone (native) house built by Philip Egoscue. The
walls and partitions are 14" thick stone quarried nearby. At left, behind trees is the old stagecoach station which was
built in 1868 when the Morey Mine was operating. The stage line ran through Hot Creek Valley, North to Eureka and Austin
in the early days. many of the buildings on this old ranch are historical. - May 14, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - large (native) stone ranch home on Northern Hot Creek
Valley Ranch now owned by Harvey Titus and the Locke's. this old Stagecoach site (historical in 1868) is being improved
into a well producing ranch. Thousands of acres of open range lie beyond this cattle ranch which supplements the home
ranch at Locke's Station. - May 13, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Crab-apple (large variety) with a profusion of blooms
presaging a world of fruit for late summer. This juicy, sweet fruit makes a fine jelly, butter and canned fruit. This tree
was planted many years ago and has had no care. Ranch was abandoned several years ago. Titus purchased it 2 years ago. -
May 14, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - View of fruit orchard and garden spot which will be
planted later in May. This ranch is being rejuvenated by Titus-Locke after years of abandonment. - May 14, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - David Locke (6 yrs. old) with lamb which he is feeding for
4-H sale in Tonopah, September 15th. - July 8, 1945 - C.E.B.
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Melvin Filippini mowing 5 1/2 ft. tall crop of Reed's Canary
Grass for hay. Bonny Ornelas at right looking the crop over. - July 1944
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Neighbor, Chaude Page at left, Bonny Ornelas at right pitching
good crop of hay (Reed's Canary Grass) to Melvin Fillippini loading on wagon. - July 1944
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Melvin Fillippini and his pinto stallion
"Champ" a three year old. - July 1944
Subject: Excellent hay crop being cut on Ornelas Ranch - (No Date - No Initials - probably 1943)
Subject: Bonney Ornelas and Melvin Philippini riding fine saddle horses used in ranch operations.
Subject: Ornelas Ranch - Alfalfa & wild hay in stack -- First cutting. Pinto stallion,
Melvin Philippini up. Aug. 18, 1943
Subject: Pinto stallion -- Bonney Ornelas up. Newly stacked wild hay. August 17, 1943
Subject: Ornelas Ranch - Fine wild hay crop ready to be cut.
Subject: Ornelas Ranch - Bumper wheat crop -- Aug. 16, 1943 - Melvin Philippini mowing -- Bonney Ornelas bunching.
Subject: Ornelas Ranch - Cutting fine wheat crop -- Aug. 16, '43 - Fillippini mowing -- Ornelas bunching.
Subject: Ornelas Ranch - Garden and potatoes -- corn at right. Apple orchard in background. Aug. 17, 1943
Subject: Ornelas Ranch - Fine crop of late potatoes - Aug. 16, 1943 - Ornelas & Philippini
Subject: Ornelas Ranch - Heavy laden pear tree -- good wheat crop in process of being out - Aug. 17, 1943
Subject: - New alfalfa and wild hay is stacks on Ornelas Ranch. Aug. 19 '43, First cutting. Bonney Ornelas and Melvin
Philippini with pinot Stallion.
Subject: - Bonney Ornelas cutting a fine wheat crop --- Aug. 16, 1945
Subject: Titus-Locke Ranch, Moore's Station, Hot Creek Valley - Mallard ducks which become almost tame on the Titus Ranch. Cinnamon
Teal is the background. These ducks come into ponds 100 yards from the house, from the Railroad Valley Wildlife Refuge. -
April 8, 1945 - C.E.B.