Subject: Mayme Hooper is on the far left and her sister is on the far right. The woman second from the left is a missionary;
she is holding one of Mayme Hooper's sisters. the small child standing is another sister. the taller child standing is a
missionary's child. Photo taken approximately 1930 at Fallon, Nevada.
Subject: When Mayme Hooper was a student at the Stewart Indian School at Carson City, Nevada, during the 1920s, a group of
relatives came to the school to visit and they all decided to drive up to Lake Tahoe. Albert Hooper, who later married
Mayme, is standing near the center wearing a hat. On the far left is Albert Hicks, Hooper's cousin, standing next to
Subject: Campus of the Stewart Indian School, Carson City, Nevada, mid-1920s. On the far right is the domestic Science building;
next to it stands the older girls' dormitory.
Subject: A Health Parade, Stewart Indian School, Carson City, Nevada, May 30, 1926. the sign reads, "What is the secret to better health?
Eat more vegetables."
Subject: Mayme Hooper was present, but not pictured at this gathering of Shoshone Indians in Lone Pine, California, probably early
1930s. Thos present are playing an Indian gambling game.
Subject: Photo taken at Lone Pine, California early 1930s. Mayme Hooper is on the right, next to her
mother-in-law and the foster son she raised.
Subject: Photo of Mayme Hooper's family about 1913, taken on the reservation at the Mission, Fallon, Nevada. Mayme Hooper
is seated in the middle, her two brothers on either side with her mother and father, Fred Williams and Lilly Breckenridge
Subject: Mayme Hooper, shortly after her marriage to Albert Hooper and her arrival at her new home in the Monitor Valley,
Nye County, Nevada. Late 1920s.
Subject: Mayme Hooper holding her sister's daughter Lilly on Easter Sunday, early 1930s. An Easter egg hunt is
taking place in the background.
Subject: Mayme Hooper and her husband Albert Hooper in front of Stone House on their ranch in Monitor Valley, Nye County,
Nevada, probably early 1940s. the Hoopers lived in Stone House for 50 years; the building is a historic site and once
served as a stage coach stop.
Subject: Mayme Hooper's parents, Fred Williams and Lilly Breckenridge Williams, about 1927.
Subject: Mayme Hooper is in foreground with the lace collar. Her father, Fred Williams, is wearing the hat. Girl at rear left is
Norma Hicks. Picture taken about 1923.
Subject: Mayme Hooper on her ranch in Monitor Valley, 1942.
Subject: Mayme Hooper's father-in-law, Tim Hooper in Monitor Valley. Tim Hooper was a Shoshone Indian and lived to be quite old.
Subject: Schurz Athletic Club, 1934. Second from the right in front is Mayme Hooper's brother Paul Williams; third from the
left in front is brother Henry Williams.
Subject: Mayme and Albert Hooper at their home in Tonopah, Nevada, late 1970s.
Subject: Mother and father of Mayme Hooper's husband, Albert Hooper, August 15, 1902. Tim Hooper on the left, Jennie Crow Hooper
holding baby Albert Hooper.
Subject: Mother and father of Mayme Hooper's husband, Albert Hooper, August 15, 1902. Tim Hooper, Jennie Crow Hooper and
baby Albert Hooper on a cradle board.
Subject: Friends of Albert Hooper, taken in Tonopah, 4th of July at some point during the early 1920s. left to right are Johnny Pass, George
Anderson, Doc Moore (Albert's uncle), Pedro Pigeon, Albert Hooper and Johnny Reed.
Subject: Albert Hooper, husband of Mayme Hooper, 1920s.
Subject: Mayme and Albert Hooper, Stone House, Monitor Valley, Nye County, Nevada, probably late 1930s or early 1940s.
Subject: Mayme Hooper, about 1925 at the age of 15 or 16.